أكوالايتس - ماء الإلكتروليت بنكهة الليمون المنعش
حدِّد الخيارات
About Product
A bottle with the perfect blend of electrolytes and essential minerals. Aqulytes is formulated to rehydrate and replenish your body's electrolyte levels after intense workouts, providing hydration without unnecessary sugars.
- نوع الإلكترولايت: الصوديوم، البوتاسيوم، المغنيسيوم، الكالسيوم
- الفائدة: الترطيب، توازن الإلكترولايتات
- النكهات:ليمون
- العبوة: جاهز للشرب
- مكونات: إلكترولايتات، معادن أساسية
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Aquatein Protein Water is a refreshing and healthy beverage that combines the benefits of protein with great taste. It's a convenient way to stay hydrated while getting the protein your body needs.
Aquatein uses a unique protein source called Aquamin, which is derived from red algae. This makes our protein water not only delicious but also highly bioavailable and easy to digest.
Each bottle contains 21 grams of high-quality Aquamin protein, which is perfect for post-workout recovery or as a protein boost during the day.
No, we are committed to providing a healthy beverage. Aquatein contains no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners.